Thursday, August 23, 2012


People in Bosnia constantly complain about the lack of culture events, especially related to fashion and art. I guess that’s just in the nature of Bosnians to complain, even when there is no room for complaints, because for the true lovers of art and fashion {as my recent research has shown!}, there is plenty of opportunity to feed their hunger for those.

I was especially happy to receive information about the upcoming event in Mostar, organized by A Festival of design and art - MODAMO.kreART.iva is set for October 13th and 14th, 2012, and is welcoming all sorts of artists; fashion designers, photographers, graphic designers, painters … and those who’d like to admire {and purchase} their work.

Artists’ applications are accepted until September 1st, at midnight. Application form and other related information can be found on

Everybody else, see you at the Festival, in October. 




‘’DANCE- as though no one is watching you. LOVE - as though you have never been hurt before. SING - as though no one can hear you. LIVE - as though heaven is on Earth.’’ - Audrey Hepburn


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